In caz ca nu stiti cine este Jon Tickle, este acel negru cu ochelari de la Brainiac. Exact, ala! Mai pune el niste intrebari de astea imposibile, gen "Here's one for you, What would happen if everyone was to flush their toilet at the same time?". Astazi ma uitam la o emisiune pe Disc. Science, "Cum functioneaza?", sau ceva de genul.Acolo, au inceput sa vbeasca astia de programele de recunoastere a fetei si despre faptul ca in NY, Londra si alte locuri sunt camere de filmat peste tot pe strazi. Si nu numai la bancomate si in incintele unor diferite institutii, ci chiar pe strada. Acest lucru este un fenomen invaziv asupra intimitatii personale, si de aia fac astia cercetari sa sa schimbe acest lucru(cu programele de face recognition vor astia sa puna automat pe pelicula acele cadre blur peste fetele oamenilor si in caz ca politia ae nevoie de filmari sa se foloseasca un cod anume pentru a "debloca" fetele celor ce apar pe filmare). Bun, materialul s-a terminat zicala, sau ce o fi "Big Brother is watching you!

Reactia mea a fost de genul: "Yeah,right! Mai degraba Uncle Sam!"
Si gandindu-ma mai bine, chiar am descoperit ceva. Ceva de genul "stiati ca", sau "nu-i asa ca e interesant ca", care iti lasa de gandit, exact ca si Jon Tickle questions.
Uncle Sam este tipul ala care instiga baietii americani la ucis.Legal.In armata adica.El reprezinta natiunea americana ca intreg, statul de fapt.Uncle Sam e US. Big Brother se refera la personajul din 1984(nu am citit cartea niciodata, vazut filmul inainte de liceu, deci scuze daca nu e persoanj, dar are functia de personaj), personaj care urmarea tot ceea ce facea omul de rand, prezent in fiecare casa, incinta prin acele televizoare-camere de filmat. Deci, Big Brother era statul, nu?
Hey, wait a minute! I see a pattern here! Ambii sunt de fapt state intregi, si ambii sunt rude! Nu intru in politica sa arat de ce se aseamana US cu un stat opresiv(poate nu fata de cetatenii lui, dar fata de celelalte tari clar). O sa intru in alta discutie.

Big Brother. De ce un stat totalitar si-ar crea o astfel de imagine? De ce familia, ce treaba are cu tata,mama,fratele,bunicu? De ce nu si-au pus un militar falnic, de ce nu a intuit Orwell realitatea si mai mult si sa dezvolte aceasta religie,acest fanatism pentru dictator(avea o denumire anume acest fapt,dar am un lapsus)?La el nu era peste tot poza lui Ceausescu, Stalin sau dictatorul din cartea lui(daca e amintit vreodata) ci poza acelei imagini, fratele mai mare. Pentru ca Orwell inventand ceva si neinspirandu-se din realitate, a gandit prea mult probabil acest fapt. Parerea mea e ca e mai usor de acceptat a FATHER FIGURE, decat a unui strain. Fratele mai mare te iubeste! Si te iubeste atat de mult incat te protejeaza de ce e mai rau, chiar daca asta inseamna sa-ti faca tie rau. Tough love, cum zic americanii! Si astfel accepti mai usor opresiunea

Si acum revin la Uncle Sam. Nu e curios ca si ei au ales sa fie reprezentati de o ruda? Bun, putin mai indeparta, nu e tata sau frate. Dar e unchi. Tot mascul, tot figura autoritara in constiinta populatiei. Nu e ceva curios oare la mijloc? Mie mi se pare cel putin ciudata asemanarea. Nu stiu vreun alt stat sa recurga la o astfel de imagine, si clar nu Unchiul, Tatal, Bunicul Sfatos sau Mama Fertila!
Sper ca v-am dat de gandit la chestia asta. O seara placuta!
In continuare, va las sa mai cititi niste intrebari Jon Tickle, poate gasiti raspunsul la unele!
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If a criminal turns himself in shouldn't he get the reward money?
- Jon Tickle: Here's one for you, Do people with big eyes see at a wider range than people with smaller eyes?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If you have x-ray vision, and you can see through anything, wouldn't you see through everything and actually see nothing?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Why is it called pineapple, when's there neither pine nor apple in it?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If you stole a pen from a bank then would it still be considered a bank robbery?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Why does an alarm clock 'go off' when it begins ringing?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If you take a shower, where do you put it?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If a cat always lands on its feet and buttered bread always lands butter side down, what would happen if you tied buttered bread on top of a cat?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If 75% of all accidents happen within 5 miles of home, why not move 10 miles away?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If someone told you they were a pathological liar, would you believe them?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Do stairs go up or down?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If Teflon is non-stick, how did they make it stick to the pan?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, What would happen if you were to feed a pig some bacon?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Do fish get thirsty?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you. Why is it called your bottom when it's really in the middle of your body?
- Jon Tickle : Heres one for you, how come you press the buttons on the remote control harder.. when you know the batteries are running out?
- Jon Tickle : Heres one for you, If you were to take all of the ships out of all of the oceans, would the sea level go down?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If you were in a car, driving at the speed of light and you turned on the headlights, what would happen?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If mineral water has trickled through mountains for thousands of years, then why does it have an expiration date?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Where would we be without rhetorical questions?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If heat rises then shouldn’t Hell be cold?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If you were born exactly on 12:00 midnight on December 31st – January 1st, which year would you say you were born in?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If someone can't see, they're blind and if someone can't hear, they're deaf, so what do you call people who can't smell?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?
- Jon Tickle : Here's one for you, Where does the white go when the snow melts?
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